Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Inside pages :: Computer Science

intimate foliatesIMPLEMENTATION==============Version 1Front and Back pageFirst I inserted a line this indicates to me that it is splitting thefront page and seat page. This was then followed up by a textbox onthe bum page for the surgery times, emergencies and contact number.The last thing I did on the back page was inserting the logo, address,teleph whizz number and surgery name these were imported from the Sharedarea. The front page included a text box for the title and a hamster get wind. The hamster picture was imported from the Shared area.Inside pagesThe inside pages only consisted of two text boxes and a hamsterpicture. One would take up nearly all of one inside page and the otherjust a bit over half an inside page. Then I went to the Shared areafor a hamster picture. This picture was similar to the front pagehamster picture but was not the same.Version 2Front and back pagesFirst I opened the program Microsoft paper to carry on myimplementation of Task 1. I had got the in formation of the surgerytimes, emergencies and contact number from the Shared area. I typedthis in the text box I inserted earlier. Then I went onto the frontpage to produce the title. This was done in Microsoft Word and wasimported into Microsoft Publisher.Inside PagesFirst of all I open the program, because it is separate. I carry onthe work by adding the text. The text could not fit in the frame. So Ihad to rearrange the font size to make it smaller. right away that the textwas added I can carry on to put gloss in the leaflet.Version 3Front and back pagesNow I essential to add any design features I need. So the main designfeatures, which was needed was the colour in the leaflet. S o I addedthe colour in both these pages so that it was the same colour on thefront and back page. It covered everything including the text then Iclicked the send to back icon and it went to the background.Inside pagesThe inside pages were different colour to the front and back pagesbecause I decided t o use a variety of colours throughout the leaflet.So I chose what colour I wanted and sent it to the background. Version 4Front and back pagesThe leaflet looks to be more appropriate now. This leaflets front andback page has changed due to more colours to the textboxes. Thetextboxes and title textbox now contain different colours anddifferent colours to the front and back page.

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