Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Peppercorn Issues Essay

How will you analyze the data collected? How will you make sense of the situation at Peppercorn? This should probably take a majority of the class period, since how the consultants see the organizational issues will, in part, determine how the feedback process will be designed. Choosing a diagnostic/analytic model is no small issue. There is no evidence in the case that a particular diagnostic model is driving the data collection process (a potential problem), and there are at least two models that would work. First, the consultants could use an individual based model – such as the one described in Chapter 6. For each job at Peppercorn, the consultants could ask what their data reveals about task identity, skill variety, task significance, autonomy, and feedback in the context of Peppercorn’s structure. But this is a more limited perspective and not as good a choice. Second, and perhaps more relevant in this case, would be an organization-level diagnostic model such as the one presented in Chapter 5. Inputs: Based on their initial discussion with Drew as well as data from the interviews, we can see that the labor market has gotten very tight. It is more and more difficult to find workers and in particular student workers. This tightened market has forced the dining services unit and Peppercorn to increase the pay rates twice (although with little apparent effect). In a related category, we also know that a union represents full-time employees. It is this labor shortage that is driving many of the dynamics of the case. The primary customer, students with meal plans, suggests that there is little likelihood that price increases can be used to offset the labor scarcity. On a more general level, we know from data in the interviews that the food-service industry is known for its low wage levels and long and odd hours. Design Components. The observation and interview data provides some information on each feature of organization design. In some cases, there is much data of high quality while in other cases the amount of data (and its credibility) is thin. Strategy: The mission and goals for the university’s dining unit lays out their purpose and operating goals. There appears to be a broad interest in providing nutritious food, creating a good social and aesthetic atmosphere, and serving the economic needs of the university. The goals reflect this broad interest by addressing customer satisfaction, facilities quality, management excellence, financial management, alignment with the university’s mission, and industry leadership. There is little in the case suggesting that Peppercorn’s strategy is any different. Peppercorn, according to Drew, is trying address the difficult labor market by providing an enjoyable place to work although the consultants note a certain disconnect between what is said (decentralized and participative) and what is practiced (more centralized, less participative) based on their observations and interview data. Technology: The overall transformation process is moderately interdependent and fairly low on uncertainty. The key workflow issue seems to be the supply system. Supplies, in the form of food, aprons, cookware, and so on, are ordered through a computer system that isn’t working very well and resulting in frequent outages of different items. Since this process sits at the front end of the transformation process, its ineffectiveness is a key source of problems for the kitchen and service staff. In some way, the whole of Peppercorn is held hostage by this computer system. Once the raw materials have arrived, food is prepared – sometimes as much as a day in advance – according to meal plans and recipes that are well understood. [Although some of the cooks seem proud of their recipes and interested in creating new ones, do you really want people to be very innovative in this situation? In some ways, this conflicts with the situation.] The prepared meals are transferred to the serving line where customers (students) are provided with their food. One of the consultants notes that there was no portion control at this stage and that a considerable amount of â€Å"customization† existed as workers gave students a little more of some things or accommodated specific requests. After the meal, the leftovers, utensils and plates, and trash are fed into the dish room where plates and utensils are cleaned and recycled for use. Other processes also exist but are also relatively low in interdependence and uncertainty, including order taking, cash exchange, hiring and staffing, and grievance handling. Structure: A formal organization chart for both the university dining services and Peppercorn are presented in the case. Drew’s role is interesting because he leads two organizations – Peppercorn as well as the Salt Mill – and has a professional supervisor (Larry) that is assigned from the university dining organization. Larry’s relationship with the different employees draws some attention from the consultants and there is a mostly negative perception of Larry and his skills. The case also points out a rather complex set of employee relationships. There are full time employees (union- represented), full-time temporary employees (a non-union position that has been added to accommodate the problems associated with the declining numbers of student workers), and student labor. The students have their own management structure and supervise themselves as well as the full-time temporary employees (although these employees receive their training from the permanent staff) which has been the point of some contention. At best, it suggests that there may be two standards of work performance at play. At worst, there could be some very divisive resentment over preferential treatment. Measurement Systems: There is no information presented about how employee work is measured (goals set, performance monitored and feedback), there appears to be no portion control on food served, and no financial information is presented. There is mention of a grievance process, but no indication of grievance activity levels. If the computer system problems are added into this category, there would appear to be a pretty big hole in the sophistication of this system. Human Resource Systems: The interview data reveals a number of complexities in the way employees are paid through the union contract and the motivational aspects of that system. In the initial interview between the consultants and Drew, he describes how some workers can actually be incented to call in sick, for example. The case also mentions that wage rates have been increased twice in recent months to address the lack of student issues. Alignment and Effectiveness: Roger reports that customer satisfaction is consistently positive with the one complaint being the heat inside the facility – an apparent artifact of the dining room being built over the heating plant. There is no financial data presented, so we cannot comment on the profitability of the unit. There is, however, considerable data on employee satisfaction. There is a fairly consistent downward trend across many of the employees interviewed, although there is a high degree of tenure among many of the full-time employees. There is also fairly consistent data with respect to tensions between the different types of employees. Within that effectiveness assessment, can we make any inferences with respect to alignment among the organization design features? The presenting problem in the initial conversation between Drew and the consultants was a â€Å"hiring problem† and that has certainly been confirmed, the question is â€Å"why?† First, the strategy for Peppercorn does not seem clear. Other than some sense of â€Å"doing the best we can with what we have,† there are no clear goals for the restaurant and no clear sense of why people come there other than they have a meal plan. They are a fairly captive audience and there’s not much in the way of competition for Peppercorn. Does this suggest a lack of external pressure that translates into all the â€Å"things seemed pretty relaxed† comments in the case? Second, the computer system is a big problem, and probably not under Peppercorn’s control. The University dining unit probably programs and maintains the system. There is a potential big black hole here since we don’t know how the system works. The one potential issue here is that it may not be the system; it may be Larry, so that has to be confirmed. Third, how much of the tension in the restaurant is the result of the structure where students supervise adults. Understanding the rationale for this approach and what the alternatives are would be a fruitful conversation. Fourth, and related to the strategy– There appears to be very few measurement systems. How do employees know if they are doing well or poorly?

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Causes of Childhood Obesity Essay

Causes of Childhood Obesity Childhood Obesity has become a growing problem with children today. Obesity now affects 17% of all children in the United States-triple the rate from just one generation ago (CDC). There are multiple reasons that more and more children are becoming obese. The decrease in physical activity, along with increased amounts of television, computers, and video games is one. Higher calorie and sugar intake is another reason for the rising numbers. Childhood obesity is a major concern for the next generation. If the public is not educated on the dangers of childhood obesity it will continue to increase and endanger the lives and future of the children of the tomorrow. Why is the obesity increasing in today’s youth? More families have both caretakers working outside the house now than in the past years. Which means that children are more likely to get driven to school rather then walk or ride their bikes and after school it either leaves children home by themselves, or at after school programs. One third of children are not getting the recommended levels of moderate or vigorous activity, 10 percent are completely inactive (IOM). Children of today are spending more and more time sitting inside not doing anything physical compared to a few generations ago. They are also taking in too many calories due to the larger portion sizes, and high sugar intake. In the last, few years schools are trying to or already have succeeded in decreasing the amount of recess or play time the children have during the day, along with cutting after school sports and activities (HHS). Only about one-third of elementary children have daily physical education, and less than one-fifth have extracurricular physical activity programs at their school (YRBSS). Forty years ago, kids had playing fields to play on, parks to run around, there was no problem with traffic so they used to go out on the street to play, but that was the past (Fiona MacRae). Today, kids come home because they do not have, or cannot get to a park, or recreation center, and it is not as safe to play outside as it was years ago so there is no physical activity. Without regular daily cardio exercise, studies have shown that children are putting themselves at risk for more heath related problems, which can lead to shorter lifespans. The way children eat today is much different from even one generation ago. Children are taking in more calories, sugars and eating more foods that are less healthy. Since parents are working when children come home after school, there is no one to monitor what or how much they are eating. Families are also not eating as healthy as they were in the past. Children are eating dinners that are microwaved, or come out of a box; they are eating â€Å"Supersized† fast food meals that have little no nutritional values. School lunch programs are also to blame for the rise in the numbers of overweight children. Research has demonstrated that buying lunch at school significantly increases the risk of becoming overweight. The pervasiveness of school a la carte and vending programs that sell foods and beverages that are high in calories and low in nutrients is well-documented. However, the food provided is constrained by budgetary and regulatory issues largely external to public health concerns. US Department of Agriculture guidelines require school food programs to provide minimum quantities of specific nutrients over a 3- to 7-day span but do not address maximum food amounts (Wilkinson). Television is playing a big part on how and what are children are eating. They see commercials for drinks that sound and taste good, but the reality is that are loaded with sugars and High consumption of sugar drinks, which have few, if any, nutrients, has been associated with obesity (Vartanian). Thirty years ago, a bottle of Coke was 10 ounces. Today, a kid can get a 64-ounce Big Gulp and when inflation is taken into account, it is cheaper. â€Å"Economically, we really encourage people to over consume,† Stang says. She compares portion sizes in 1957 and today: hamburger patties have gone from one ounce to six; muffins have gone from 1 1/ 2 ounces to half a pound; and movie popcorn has ballooned from three cups to 16 (Cross). Academically, childhood obesity affects how children preform in school. When compared with children who were never obese, boys and girls whose obesity persisted from the start of kindergarten through fifth grade performed worse on the math test, starting in first grade, and their lower performance continued through fifth grade. For boys whose obesity emerged later (in third or fifth grade), no such differences were found, and for girls who became obese later, poorer math performance was temporary. In addition, for girls who were persistently obese, having fewer social skills explained some part of their poorer math performance. In addition, for both boys and girls who were persistently obese, feeling sadder, lonelier, and more anxious also explained some of their poorer math performance (. Childhood obesity can lead to serious short and long-term health conditions, physical and psychological illness as well as a lower quality of life. Obese children are more likely to have respiratory disease, cardiovascular disease, such as high cholesterol or high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, as well as ear nose and throat conditions. As obese children get older, they have a greater chance of becoming obese adults, which leads to heart disease, stroke, and several types of cancer (Deckelbaum). The immediate consequence of being overweight as perceived by children themselves is social discrimination and low self-esteem. In a recent, study by Schwimmer, et. al. 2003), obese children rated their quality of life with scores as low as those of young cancer patients on chemotherapy. In the study, 106 children aged 5 to 18 filled out a questionnaire used by pediatricians to evaluate quality of life issues. Children were asked to rate things like their ability to walk more than one block, play sports, sleep well, get along with others, and keep up in school. The results indicated that that teasing at school, difficulties playing spo rts, fatigue, sleep apnea and other obesity-linked problems severely affected obese children’s well-being.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Lumbini Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Lumbini - Essay Example It was in the month of May, 642 BC when Maya Devi on her way to Devadaha , her parents home gave birth to Lord Buddha while resting under a sal tree . The nativity scene of Lord Buddha was built by the Malla kings during their rule which lasted from the 11th to the 15th century in the Karnali zone of Nepal . This wonderful work of sculpture which was initiated by the kings of the Naga Dynasty is worshipped not only by the Buddhists but by the Hindus as well. When Lumbini was visited by Ashoka, the Emperor, in 249 BC, it was a prosperous village. The stone pillar with a horse on its top and the four stupas which we come across on our visit to Lumbini was built by him during this period . From the inscription on the Stone Pillar we can also derive the information that it was during this visit that taxes were reduced on the village and it was subjected to only eight parts. (Insoll, 66) However despite being one of the stalwarts in Indian History, Lumbini was subjected to negligence for several centuries till the time a famous German archeologist while traveling around the foothills of the Churiya range discovered the great pillar in the year 1895 . His name was Feuhrer. At a later stage the existence of a Brick temple and a sculpture of sandstone carrying images of Buddha’s birth was found. After further exploration it was found that the temple of Maya Devi was possibly built on one of the Ashokan stupa itself . On the south of this temple is a bathing pool named Puskarni which is considered to be sacred and the pages of history reveal that in this pool Maya Devi took a bath before giving birth

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Subsidies that intercollegiate athletic programs Assignment

Subsidies that intercollegiate athletic programs - Assignment Example In surprise, even the most successful programs receive huge amounts of money in the form of subsidies. A certain percentage of the student fees go to the general fund. Such central funds service subsidies to the Intercollegiate Athletic Programs (Killpatrick & Killpatrick, 2009). The small programs depend on student fees for their subsidies, instead of depending on the successful programs. This has led to a general increase in student fees in colleges that has raised concerns. Yes, athletics departments should be self-supporting. This is because they find access to well-paying television contracts. If there is proper management of the revenue, then the departments need to support themselves. In addition, they receive the ticket proceeds from large stadiums, where they collect the revenue from the sales. If the athletic departments develop a realistic budget, then they could easily have self-support. Some large athletic departments actually generate more revenue than they spend (Padilla & Boucher, 2007). This means that they do not need any additional money to fund their projects. Furthermore, if the athletic departments learn to be independent, then they are more likely to stabilize. This relates to the ability to remain financially stable even in times of economic slowdown. The worst concern is that even during an economic slowdown, some athletic departments do not lower their spending. This means that they have the capacity to become self-supporting and they need to become independent. The broadcasting rights have affected intercollegiate athletics in several ways. It has led to an increased generation of revenue. For instance, the NCAA generated over 80% of its revenue from the broadcasting contracts with TBS and CBS. Such income has led to the creation of a sustainable competitive advantage to intercollegiate athletics. Broadcasting rights are significant sources of

Mrketing orienttion in reltion to sles orienttion nd production Essay

Mrketing orienttion in reltion to sles orienttion nd production orienttion - Essay Example Pillsbury on the bsis of vilbility of high-qulity whet nd proximity of wter power. Mjor concern ws with mnufcturing-not mrketing. ccording to compny executive, compny philosophy in the er of mnufcturing dominnce might be stted s follows: "We re professionl flour millers. Blessed with supply of the finest North mericn whet, plenty of wter power, nd excellent milling mchinery, we produce flour of the highest qulity. Our bsic function is to mill high-qulity flour, nd of course (nd lmost incidentlly), we must hire slesmen to sell it, just s we hire ccountnts to keep our books." The second er ws one of sles orienttion. In the 1930's, competition hd become more significnt nd the problems of reching the mrket hd grown much more complex. Compny officils becme somewht wre of consumer wnts nd needs, nd formed commercil reserch deprtment to develop fcts bout mrkets. More ttention ws given to strengthening the distributing orgniztion, consisting of wholesle nd retil grocers. Compny philosophy in this er is described s follows: "We re flour milling compny, mnufcturing number of products for the consumer mrket. We must hve first-rte sles orgniztion which cn dispose of ll the products we cn mke t fvorble price. We must bck up this sles force with consumer dvertising nd mrket intelligence. We wnt our slesmen nd our delers to hve ll the tools they need for moving the output of our plnts to the consumer."third er of mrketing orienttion did not begin until the erly 1950's. The compny hd experienced substntil post-World Wr II sles growth in new products, principlly cke mi xes. It relized tht it could produce hundreds of new products, nd fced the necessity of selecting the best ones. It ws considered essentil to build into the compny orgniztion new function which would coordinte the heretofore seprte compny responsibilities of selling, dvertising, mrketing reserch, nd product plnning, nd provide guidnce for other res. This function ws clled "mrketing," nd mrketing developed the criteri for determining which products to mrket. Emphsis shifted from mnufcturing nd mere sles considertions to determintion of which products would best fit the needs of the compny's customers. Compny policy for the 1950's ws stted s follows: "We mke nd sell products for consumers."mrketing oriented firm is now defined s n "orgniztion culture tht most effectively cretes the necessry behviors for the cretion of superior vlue for buyers nd, thus, superior performnce for the business." (Nrver nd Slter, 1990, p. 21) This definition implies tht the firm needs to understnd buyer nee ds nd competitive cpbilities nd weknesses, nd it needs to perform ctivities gered to chieving superior customer stisfction. The firm's corporte culture is systemticlly committed to creting customer vlue. The rtionle is tht the more compny understnds nd meets the rel needs of its consumers, the more likely it is to hve hppy customers who come bck for more, nd tell their friends. This process cn entil the fostering of long term

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Enzyme Kinetics Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Enzyme Kinetics - Lab Report Example The results were tabulated, statistically treated and interpreted to reveal that enzymatic activities are affected by changes in temperature, such that as the temperature of the environment where the chemical reaction takes place increase, the chances of the rate of molecular collision increases causing a consistent increase in the production of glucose. The same concept holds true to ph, substrate concentration, and enzyme concentration. Nevertheless, the rate of molecular reaction facilitated by enzymes ceases when enzymes as protein molecules are denatured because of extremes in these factors. But, a supplementary enzyme from an artificially concocted tablet like Lactaid when taken is capable of augmenting enzyme concentration in case the need arises. Plants, animals, and microorganisms body growth and development are products of kinetics in metabolic pathways (Mader, 2001). The kinetics or the speeding-up, or the slowing down of chemical reactions in these metabolic pathways is caused by enzymes (Miller and Levine 2003). Enzymes are commonly known as protein molecules that are preoccupied with control of chemical reactions in the metabolic pathway. ... Since enzymes are included in the process of metabolism, it is said that it also is responsible in producing all the chemicals in living organisms.Additionally, it is also considered as important factor for the fast process of metabolism. But in every process there are different factors that enzymes are conditioned. These determinants greatly contributed for the dynamic process of a living organism's metabolism.There were different laboratory studies conducted which determined that the speeding-up and slowing-down of metabolism are affected by its surroundings changes in temperature, intense shift in pH (high or low), which in turn affects the efficiency of enzymes. Another one is the substrate concentration, wherein this indicates the reaction of enzymes in a given condition, and lastly, the enzyme concentration which indicates the amount of enzymes in the substrates in a chemical reaction. This laboratory study revealed the important role of enzymes to sustain life. It indicated the progress of ones' metabolism with the proper condition of enzymes. There are thousands of enzymes that are known and each of it has their particular work. In every living organism, the metabolism process if very different from one of each other. This will determine the metabolic enzymes that should be evident in for example, digestion. There are thousands of enzymes that are evident and are important in every living organism. One of this is the enzyme lactase. Lactase enzyme is needed for proper digestion of lactose that is evident in dairy products. This typical enzyme is familiarly known to determine the cause and effect of improper digestion in living organisms. As observed, majority of human adults are victims

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Bill of Rights and Later Amendments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Bill of Rights and Later Amendments - Essay Example Due to the continuing reluctance of the Southern states in abolishing slavery, the federal government had found justification in going against state’s rights us protected by the Tenth Amendment by introducing the Fourteenth Amendment and establishing further federal authority to protect human rights. (Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas [1954]. The right to vote by each citizen is not based on federal constitutional right but based on state’s right as protected by the Tenth Amendment and further explained in the Latin maxim Expressio unius est exclusio alterius (the express mention of one thing excludes all others) that applies to the federal governments powers (Calabresi and Prakash 1994). The powers of the federal government are limited to what is provided by the Constitution and all other powers are hence given to the state, giving them more independence and local autonomy. As an old rule, the federal government cpuld not interfere with state acts and must keep its interaction in arms length, avoiding any form of violation of each state’s rights. ... Furthermore, aside from the Equal protection clause that is also provided in the Fourteenth Amendment, the federal constitution does not guaranty political representation or right to vote. It was held in Alexander v. Daley (2000) that "The Equal Protection Clause does not protect the right of all citizens to vote, but rather the right of all qualified citizens to vote". Qualification to vote depends on state laws and so is the right to vote. The interpretation of the Tenth Amendment provides that it is the state who has the authority to provide for the voting rights of its citizens. The Constitution again has given respect to local state’s independence and autonomy. In the case of Bush v. Gore (2000), Chief Justice William Rehnquist and Associate Justice Antonin Scalia provided that "the individual citizen has no federal constitutional right to vote for electors for the President of the United States.". It is the state legislature who has vested power to choose presidential el ectors, the right is rooted from the Constitution that provides that â€Å"Each State shall appoint, in such manner as the Legislature therefore may direct, a number of Electors†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Article II,  § 1, cl. 2). Individual citizens participate in the Presidential elections by voting a representative of their state (elector), who in turn would vote for the nominated and pledged candidate by the given state. State election is won by plurality of votes in each state as they chose for a senator or state representative that will represent them in Congress and in the Presidential elections (Patterson 8). A candidate must obtain an absolute majority in the Electoral College that is followed by most states except Maine and Nebraska whose votes are in proportion to the popular

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Summary and Analysis Papers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Summary and Analysis Papers - Essay Example Six of the world’s 10 fastest economies are located in Africa. An interesting demographic fact about Africa is that half its population is under the age of 20. By the year 2043 Africa will surpass China as the world’s largest workforce. A problem with the African economy is that it lacks savings and capital. South Africa despite being Africa’s largest economy has a slower growth rate than most of its neighbors. The sub-Saharan region is referred to as the â€Å"frontier markets.† Investors are looking to invest in mutual funds connected to an index of frontier market stocks. Investors should research companies in the region carefully since a lot of them lack liquidity. The beer industry is going very well in Africa. A way for investors to get around the liquidity issue of African stocks is by purchasing companies that have most of their assets in Africa, but are listed elsewhere such as in the London Stock Exchange (LSE). The equity markets in Africa might not be able to keep up with the expectations of investors. There are a lot of family owned businesses that do not want to lose control to investors by selling the equity of their firms. The industries that tend to list companies the most in Africa are banks, telecoms, and breweries followed by consumer businesses. â€Å"In Africa returns come from revenue growth and efficiency gains† (Harare & Johannesburg, 2013). ... The nation suffers from a variety of problems that are hindering the economic growth of the region. The educational system and business infrastructure of Africa are very poor. A lot of towns in Africa lack running water and electricity. The governments of the different countries in Africa have to form an alliance in order to help resolve the economic problems of the region. It was interesting to know that a lot of the economies of Africa are growing, but since these economies are so underdeveloped the growth in the economies is not helping improve the standard of living of the people of the region. The unemployment rate of Africa is very high. A way to bring more jobs into Africa is through foreign investment. The business community of Africa has to be more open towards forming alliances with foreign corporations. The use of joint ventures and strategic alliances can help persuade a lot of companies to enter the African marketplace. The potential of Africa of becoming the future manu facturing hub of the world exist due to the fact that Africa is going to have the largest workforce in the world within three decades. The African economy has to evolve by placing emphasis on the educational system of the continent. A more educated workforce is needed to attract industries to Africa that rely on skilled laborers. The governments of the different countries of Africa have to develop economic incentive packages to attract business to come to Africa. Creating free trade zones is a great way to spur economic activity. Africa should also look to improve its infrastructure to enhance the business environment of the nation. Another way for the economy to create jobs is by attracting labor intensive industries that are

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Introduction to Financial Services Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Introduction to Financial Services - Case Study Example Fifty years ago, financial services has accounted for less than 3 percent of GDP in the US and developed Europe, which at present, is mounted to almost 10 percent (Stephenson 2005). Thus, the financial services industry is one of the many industries that produce rapid growth in the world economy (Stephenson 2005). The modern financial industry witnessed 1986 as the 'big bang' era that opened London up more widely to international competition through electronic trading (Harris 1998). The onset of computer technology and global telecommunications systems has undoubtedly brought rapid changes that likewise brought changes to financial services. A widening of shared ownership and investment opportunities from few to many has been heralded by this development (Harris 1998). This development has bid adieu to the usage of a stockbroker, as it has now been possible for one to buy and sell certain financial investments through a visit to the local bank or using the computer. Before the onset of advanced technology and computerization, there used to be a clear difference between a retail bank and a building society, or an insurance company, which all had a separate business from the retail bank. Today, financial institutions cannot be easily differentiated as the differences between them are disappearing while they continuously compete against each other to sell services that used to be sold by just one portion of the sector (Harris 1998). The past witnessed each firm with a narrow band of services, which it offered to a wide range of consumers and business clients. Even the payment system was controlled by commercial banks that have the authority to clear checks and drafts. Today, payments and money are facilitated electronically in volumes that are not easily handled in the physical form (Johnson 2000). Mortgage finance, which is now traded as securities, is likewise available from a wide range of sources while securities firm offer corporate and gover nment securities as investment avenues (Johnson 2000). Even insurance companies provide products that compete with investments, which can be obtained through securities firms. It may be inferred that the dynamics of the banking industry have been permanently changed by mutual funds, which is an outcome of recent technology advancement (Johnson 2000). The same advancement has blurred traditional roles, causing difficulty to distinguish the product of a commercial bank from that of another financial institution. Banks are now selling insurance, with some having taken over some insurance firms. Virgin Boots offers a range of insurance companies in much the same way as Marks &Spencer sells investment products and pensions (Harris 1998). Likewise, if one needs a mortgage, he can go to a building society, a bank, an insurance company, and even a local supermarket. Financial services also witnessed the rapid growth of telephone call centres and helplines with their increased staffing jobs. A process of significant change in a period of new alignments in domestic markets and increased global competition is currently faced by the financial services industry (Johnson 2000). For several years, bank deposits have served as the basis for the country's payment mechanism, until such time electronic banking occurred, replacing physical

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

History of Theatre Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

History of Theatre - Research Paper Example The spectacle is the inclusion of effects such as costumes, scenery and everything else to do with the fact that a player has a visual element and is watched and not just heard. (Bryson) Aristotle quells such questions and explains that music creates and enhances the mood that compliments the emotion being depicted by the characters in the play. Music’s major function in a play is to reinforce the emotional content (Aaron). Music has been forever championed as an effective mode of communication. (Lipscomb and Tolchinsky)Even when played in the background when at many times one doesn’t even notice that a melody is being played, music is still effective in setting the mood and creating an environment that compliments the theme of the play. Music at times has also been called the ‘fourth dimension’ that magnifies the impact of a particular scene or setting within the play (Drama Music). The famous novelist Victor Hugo stated that music can be used to put across thoughts and emotions which need to be expressed but there are no words to describe them. Also mentionable is the fact that audiences, once they leave the theatre, do not remember the dialogues but can definitely recall the songs and re-live the entire play through the songs and melody recollection in their minds (Mackintosh). All evidence supp orts Aristotle views that ‘music is a form of imitation’ and that different types and tones of music can easily help and elicit different types of responses from individuals. It has been suggested that theatre and drama fell into total crumble during the early 17th century. In the late 16th century, renaissance drama evolved during the period of Queen Elizabeth 1. During this time, neoclassicism was almost completely ignored. The  drama focused more on forms that were popular with the audiences.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Settlement of the West over the Whole Period Essay Example for Free

Settlement of the West over the Whole Period Essay In considering the process of the settlement of the West over the whole period, how far can the Louisiana Purchase of 1803 be seen as the key turning point? The war of 1812 was followed by a period of exploration of the West which had been greatly expanded by the Louisiana Purchase of 1803. The process of expansion was huge and resulted in the original 13 states being 45 states by 1906. As well as the Louisiana Purchase, the Mexican-American War and the Californian Gold Rush of 1848, the Homestead Act of 1862 and the Exodus movement from 1879 were all key turning points which helped the process of Westward Expansion. The key criteria for judging a turning point is if the event created opportunities to go west, if it opened up land to settle in and if it had a psychological impact on the nation. The Louisiana Purchase was a very significant event as it increased the size of the United States by double overnight for only $15 million. This was a key turning point in expansion as it opened up a huge amount of land for more settlers (an extra 828,000 square miles). Alongside this it created opportunities for people to travel west as it gave access to the Mississippi river which was important for travel and commerce. This purchase was also significant in the fact that it created a more secure environment for settlers as it eliminated the French from imperial competition, Jefferson believed the French were restricting US commerce and that they tried to control surrounding territory. Therefore this event affected the process of change as it allowed America to spread its resources and encouraged people to move west, such as the Indians which were encouraged to settle there. The most important reason for this event being a turning point was that it opened up a large amount of land to settle in, a lot of the further events which take place would not have happened if it wasn’t for this territory being the United States’ and so provided many reasons for expansion to continue. Another key event which took place was the Mexican American War of 1848 which begun because Texas was a gateway to the pacific and was a great agricultural prospect. This was a key turning point as it had a big psychological impact on the people of America as many believed in the Manifest destiny, in that America had a right to expand, and so supported the annexation of Texas which increased their spirits on westward settlement. Polk deliberately provoked a war as he knew they could easily be overcome. The treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed in 1848 which ceded California, Texas and New Mexico. Another reason for this being a turning point is that it gave access to the pacific meaning that farming was capable so created further opportunities to go west and again meant that transportation was made easier for commerce. The key reason this was a turning point was manifest destiny which was completed after this event. America had managed to secure land coast-to-coast which was a huge psychological moral boost for America who now knew they had a lot of power with a lot of land. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo led to California being ceded to Americ a. In 1848 there was the Californian Gold rush which primarily lasted until the early 1850’s with millions of families travelling from around the world to California and surrounding areas in search for fortune. In 1850, California (now a new state) had nearly 40% foreign born inhabitants, showing that this event increased the diversity of people settling West, but also inspired many to go as they believed a new life could be made from the Gold being found. Furthermore it dramatically increased the speed of people moving out west, by 1853 the population was approximately 250,000 whereas in 1848 the Californian territory had less than 1000 inhabitants. The Gold caused a great economic boom which created infrastructures leading to many people settling here and encouraged more to move west. The Californian Gold Rush’s most important reason that it is a turning point in westward expansion is that it created opportunities. It allowed people to make a lot of money from the Gold, but also from new businesses which were now being created due to a new market of people, and because of this and the great boom, many people started to settle here at a very fast rate. In 1862 the Homestead Act was put into place, this allowed farmers to acquire 160 acres of land if they lived there for 5 years, or for 6 months with an additional payment of $1.25 per acre. This was significant as it allowed small scale settlement to develop. In some ways this could be seen as a turning point as it gave farmers a chance to be economically dependent, which gave them opportunities to expand or to do other thing with their money. It also inspired many people to go west and take up these lands which could be seen from figures that show that 400,000 families set up there taking 285 million acres of land. On the other hand, there were points which showed that this wasn’t as significant as it seemed. Most significantly, there was a 43% failure rate for those trying to get land in Nebraska under the Homestead Act showing that it wasn’t as easy to settle west as the act tried to make it. Furthermore, land was put into the hands of men who had no sufficient foresight so even though this land was meant for farming, many people who didn’t know what to do with it took it up and eventually a lot of the land went to waste. This act of 1862 could be seen as a turning point mainly because of how it inspired many people to go west due to the huge amount of land it opened up allowing people to profit from it from farming. To conclude, the Louisiana Purchase which nearly doubled America overnight for just $15million was the key turning point in Westward expansion. This is because the other events which occurred which are all significant in their own right would not have occurred if they did not have the land. The conflict between Mexico and America would not have occurred as Polk would not have been inclined to want Texas as they would not have been near it. Therefore the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo would not have taken place which ceded California. Even though the Gold Rush would have still occurred in 1848, the sudden increase in prosperity due to the economic boom would not have helped America and therefore would not have been made an American state. Lastly, even though the Homestead Act of 1862 was not very successful, it still inspired many families to travel west, increased settlement there and helped westward expansion. However even this would not have happened if it wasn’t for the land being there in the first place due to the Louisiana Purchase.

Native Americans in California Missions Essay Example for Free

Native Americans in California Missions Essay Spanish wanted to colonize some of America, just like the Europeans. Building religious based Missions all throughout California was a way for them to maintain ultimate social, political, and economic control. Spanish explorers arrived on the border of California during the 16th century. The very first Franciscan mission was built in San Diego during 1769. By 1833, twenty two Spanish Missions existed from Southern California to Northern California. Native Americans made up about one-third of those who lived and worked at the Missions. There were an estimated 310,000 Indians living in California during the 16th century. The Spanish provided the Native Americans with the necessities such as food, clothing, and shelter. Although the California Missions had the right intentions of providing for the Native Americans, the Spanish acted in an inhumane and unfair way. Junipero Serra arrived in San Diego in 1768 and lead a group of Franciscans to find property and more importantly, workers. He welcomed the Native Americans with open arms and open doors. In a primary document written by Junipero Serra himself, he admitted that he used the Native Americans solely for work. However, he said that providing them with food and shelter compensates for their hard work. â€Å"So if families other than Indian come from there, it will serve the same purpose very well—that is, if we can provide for them†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Serra). Serra’s defenders state that he respected the Natives’ culture. However, his criticizers argue that he used force to urge the Native Americans to live at the Missions against their will. Although the Natives did not agree with Serra’s beliefs and actions, they were very respectful for the most part. For those who did not respect Serra received physical punishment with â€Å"whips, chains, and stocks to enforce religious obedience† (Serra). Junipero Serra was a great leader who made sure the California Missions were in order. The California Mission had worthy intentions and plans for the Native Americans. The Spanish welcomed them into their ‘homes’ and provided them with the essentials such as food, clothing, and shelter. However, living at the Missions had its consequences. The Native Americans were forced to change their entire lifestyles – from their beliefs, their daily routines, to the way they dressed and what they ate. Although anthropologists conducted that some Native Americans enjoyed their new lives, more than eighty percent refused to convert their ways of life (Sandos, 13). For thousands of years, the Natives were accustomed with their own lifestyle and beliefs, and all of a sudden, everything was stripped away from them. Even their personal identity was taken away from them. The Franciscans provided each individual with Spanish names which were to be used instead of their native birth names. â€Å"The missions were not agents of intentional enslavement, but rather rapid and therefore violent social and cultural change† (Archibald, 24). The Native Americans ended up becoming tax pay citizens along with being under Spanish wing twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. The Franciscans had very different beliefs and traditions from the Native Americans. The Native Americans were forced to convert their religion to Roman Catholics. The Native Americans were more of a â€Å"spiritual† group rather than a religious group. Instead of believing in personified figures, such as Jesus, they believed spirits lie within their nature. Native Americans feed their energy off of nature. They believed that they are protected by the Mother Nature that surrounded them. The Spanish used religion to explain their actions, which made it ‘okay’ for them to convert the Native American’s beliefs because they were backed up by their god (California). Every person living and working at the Mission had to be officially baptized as a rite of passage. On Sundays and holidays everyone was obligated to go to church and worship. The Natives were forced to memorize Catholic rituals, songs, and scriptures. Prayer lasted four hours on Sundays and feast days. On a regular basis on typical days, prayer lasted two hours. Catholicism was a huge part of living at the Missions. The Missions were surrounded by Spanish soldiers so everyone was watched very closely. Once the Native Americans accepted the Spanish lifestyle, it was nearly impossible to escape. It was as if they were held against their own will. A few sources compare the treatment of Native Americans to slavery (Archibald, 48). Slavery is defined as an economic exploitation that benefits only the slave-owner. In the California Missions, the Native Americans worked solely to provide and maintain a certain lifestyle for the Spanish. Besides minimal food and shelter, the Native America’s natural human rights were stripped from them. Native America women made clothing, prepared meals, cleaned the rooms, and whatever domestic chores needed to be done at the Mission. Native American mothers even had to care for Spanish children instead of focusing on their own (Mission). The Native American men had to hunt for food and build new Missions. In addition, they learned carpentry, leatherworkers, smiths, and farm work. The Franciscans controlled their days into a rigorous schedule announced by church bells (Archibald, 104). If the workers were not done with their tasks by the chimes of the church bells, they would suffer major consequences. The Franciscans did not view their actions as imprisonment because they believed that the providence of food and shelter compensates for Natives’ hard work. In reality, the Missions were not a place to live a life of ease nor was it a place to acquire personal fortune and prosperity. The Native Americans were not worked to death like the slaves in southern United States at this time. However, the strict regulation, cruel and unusual punishments and forced new traditions are extremely inhumane acts. According to Julio Cesar, â€Å"When I was a boy the treatment given to the Indians at the Mission was not good at all. We were at the mercy of the administrator, who ordered us to be flogged whenever and however he took notion† (Mission). Every Mission had two priests. One priest’s duties were to preach and teach about religion. The other priest’s duties were strictly on the work field. He instructed and gave the Native Americans and other workers their duties. The lifestyle in the California Missions was set in a very rigorous schedule so it was nearly impossible for the Native Americans to take a break or escape the hardship. The Natives resisted colonization after just a short time living and working at the Missions. There were a few deadly rebellions conducted by the Native Americans. They destroyed Mission property and even threatened to kill priests. The most infamous attack occurred in San Diego. On November 4, 1775, hundreds of men completely destroyed the Cuiamac Rancheria Mission of San Diego. The men also killed three Hispanics, including the Father, Padre Jaime (Sandos, 92). In addition, in 1824, another great Indian rebellion in California occurred at the Missions of Barbara. A large part of the Mission building was wrecked by a large fire. On the same day, hundreds of Native Americans attacked the Spanish defenders and soldiers. Leaders of the rebellion were severely punished. Seven were executed and the others were imprisoned or required to do even crueler labor. The Natives revolted because of their poor treatment and forced labor enforced by the soldiers and Fathers (Sandos, 73). These rebellions were among the many others throughout the 16th century in the California missions. This proves that the Native Americans were furious about getting different beliefs and work forced onto them. The Spanish settlers caused a lot of health problems to flourish all throughout California. Soon after the arrival of Spanish colonists, diseases spread from Southern California to Northern California so Native American fatalities heightened. Highly infectious diseases such as smallpox, measles, and syphilis killed thousands of Native Americans, especially children, so the Indian population dropped drastically (Sandos, 64). About sixty percent of the Mission Native Americans’ death was due to introduced diseases. In just a few decades, the Native American population in California decreased from 310,000 to about 100,000. Since the California Missions held many residences, people lived in such confined spaces which caused contagious diseases to spread rapidly. In order to keep the population at a steady rate for enough workers, Mission leaders separated Native American children from their parents to maintain the children’s health to save them to work at the Missions as they got older (California). The Natives were furious that their families were being separate. Mothers were not there to care for their children, so the Native children were on their own. There was a lack of physicians to care for the ill so not everyone could be helped. Diseases were not the only reason why the Native population dropped drastically. They went through rigorous changes in diet so their bodies were not used to the food they were eating. In addition, malnutrition caused toxins in their bodies. In addition, the intense demanding manual labor is a factor that contributed to their inability to overcome the sickness. Death rates were higher than birth rates so the Mission had to keep recruiting different tribes all throughout California (Mission). By 1834, there were only about 15,000 Native American residents in the twenty two Missions. The Spanish were only in contact with the Native Americans for personal gain. The Franciscans maintained total economic, social, and political control all throughout California. Very few Native Americans chose to stay at the Missions voluntarily. During their time at the Missions, they had to conduct harsh labor and all of their rights were taken away from them. Although they provided the Native Americans with food, shelter, and clothing, the Franciscans treated them like slaves. The Spanish’s involvement backfired since a majority of Native Americans died due to illness, making them nearly extinct. The physical and metal demands required were a major strain on the Native Americans.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Contemporary Business Environment

Contemporary Business Environment 1. Introduction The contemporary business environment is extremely competitive and hence coping with such pressures calls for modern marketing which can go beyond developing a good product, pricing it attractively and making it accessible. Communicating with the present and potential stakeholders and the general public is no longer a matter of luxury but competitive necessity. Marketing gurus like Kotler and Keller (2006) believe that every company is inevitably cast into a role of a communicator and promoter. However, the main concern in the age of technology is not how to communicate but rather what to say, to whom and how often (Kotler and Keller, 2006). This is where marketing communications strategy comes into picture. This report will attempt to comparative analysis of Marketing Communications strategies and mix for the Cola drinks in the UK. Prior to diving into the crux of the report it is essential to have a understanding of the modes of communication which are generally included in the communication mix to form a communication strategy. Most of the experts entail five major modes of communication vis-à  -vis Advertising, Sales promotion, Public relations and publicity, personal selling, Direct and interactive marketing (Fill, 2006). Advertising: Advertising can be defined as any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods and services by an identified sponsor (Kotler and Keller, 2006). Sales Promotion: Activities included under sales promotion can be described as a variety of short-term incentives to encourage trial or purchase of a product or service (Kotler and Keller, 2006). Public Relations and Publicity: These are a set of communication programs designed to promote and protect the companys image or its individual product (Kotler and Keller, 2006).. Personal selling: These include all face-to-face interactions with one or more prospective purchases with an aim of making presentations, answering questions and procuring orders (Kotler and Keller, 2006).. Direct and interactive marketing: This is a product of the technology revolution and includes the use of e-mail, post, telephone, fax or internet to communicate directly with or solicit response or dialogue from specific customers and prospect (Kotler and Keller, 2006). Keeping the above descriptions in mind an analysis of the communications strategy employed by the lead players in the soft-drink market can be attempted. However, any comprehensive analysis would need to follow a specific blue-print to lend credibility to the conclusions drawn as a result of the analysis. The next section would provide a brief overview of the methodology employed by the author. 2. Research Methods The methodology is a plan for collecting, organising and integrating collected data so that an end result can be reached (White, 2002). In order to prepare this report the author employed both primary and secondary data. To begin with the report analysed the current market situation to aid a better analysis of the communications strategy employed by the companies. The data collected for this review was primarily collected from industry reports like the Keynote reports. Search string of ‘soft drink industry was entered in following database: Business source elite, Emerald and Ingenta Connect. Followed by a thorough industry analysis current communications strategy for Coca-cola, Pepsi and the Supermarket brands were analysed. The company websites and current adverts were the predominant source for this information. However, Datamonitor company profiles were employed to provide reasoning for the companys choice of the strategy. Textbooks like marketing management by Kotler and Ke ller and the others mentioned in the reference section at the end of the paper were employed to give a sound theoretical background to all the discussions made about the communications strategies. 3. Market Overview Traditionally the soft drink market has been dominated by two giants fighting it out at the top vis-à  -vis Coca-cola and Pepsi Cola. Coke has however been the market leader for a long time now. However, the proverbial ‘Cola war as it has definitely not died out. According to the Keynote Drinks market review, the UK soft drinks market was worth more than  £7.3bn in 2005 (Fenn, 2005). Moreover, soft drinks accounted for 30% of total commercial beverages consumption (Fenn, 2005). However, the carbonated soft drink category has experience overall softness the last several years (Phillips, 2006). The communications strategy adopted by the players in the industry would be affected substantially by the changes in the industry dynamics and the best way to take a look at the relevant changes would be to employ a PEST analysis. 2.1 PEST analysis 2.1.1 Political Government pressures led the US and the UK soft drink industry to ban fizzy sodas from Elementary schools. Political, guided by high profile figures line Californias governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, and public forces alike are pushing hard to extend the ban into High schools (Mercer, 2005). The Cola companies thus need a strategy to communicate a healthy image. Public health advocates and health researchers in the US and the UK have proposed a consumer paid Obesity Tax on carbonated drinks in a bid to reduce consumption and fight the global epidemic that is obesity. (Datamonitor, 2006b). This would require a even more forceful pursuit to produce an image make over into s drink that does not contribute to obesity in both the male and the female target audience. 2.1.2 Economic The 2000 US census indicated that the upper-income consumers were growing and the lower income declining rapidly, yet consistently (Ferrell and Hartline, 2005). This, in turn, lead to a trend in consumer spending and association with more luxurious things like music. 2.1.3 Social. Most of the lifestyle changes are closely related to the corresponding economic shifts. As mentioned above, on the one hand lifestyle awakenings towards healthier food and drink customs in developed countries possibly will fetter profitability, on the other hand heightened consumer spending power in developing countries like India and China have paved the way for a double digit increase in international sales of soft drinks (Fenn, 2005). 2.1.4 Technological Technology, today, is the single most imperative weapon for a firm to procure, enabling it to combat most threatening situations, ranging from reducing the cost of production to coming up with new-fangled healthier alternatives and novel strategies for communication. In a era where communication is a two way process, internet has helped the soft-drink industry in creating more awareness than ever before. 4. Analysis and Discussion On the basis of the industry situation entailed above the next few sections would analyse the current communications strategy employed by Coca-Cola, Pepsi and the Supermarket brands like Tesco Cola. 4.1 Coca cola The Coca-Cola Company (Coca-Cola) manufactures markets and distributes non-alcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups (Datamonitor, 2006a). The syrups, concentrates and beverage bases for Coca-Cola and nearly 400 other soft-drink brands are manufactured and sold by the Coca-Cola Company and its subsidiaries in nearly 200 countries around the world. More than 60% of its products are sold outside of the US (Datamonitor, 2006a). It is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. The company recorded revenues of $23,104 million during the fiscal year ended December 2005, an increase of 6.3% over 2004. The companys net profit was $4,872 million in fiscal year 2005, an increase of 0.5% over 2004 (Coca-Cola annual report, 2006). The company is a clear leader in the soft-drink market, especially in the UK. The European Union segment is the largest revenue segment of the company. Moreover, Coca-Cola is the worlds leading brand. Business-Week and Inter-brand, a branding consultancy, reckoned Coca-Cola as the leading brand in their top 100 global brands ranking in 2005 (Datamonitor, 2006a). All the above has been achieved with the aid of a very carefully planned marketing communication strategy consistently over the years. To attract younger consumers to its flagship cola, Coca-Cola launched new marketing and ad campaigns in 2003. It also changed graphics on Coke bottles and adopted a traditional look for its cans. On observing Coca-colas latest adverts and promotional activities it is clear the organisations target audience continues to be the young generation. The company has a tie up with Apple computers and provides free iTunes song on every bottle cover as a promotional activity. Given the popularity of Apples iPod among the young audience a promotional collaboration with the computer giant sends a very strong message to the consumers. The new colourful campaign labelled by the company as ‘the coke side of life reinforces the youthful image of the brand. There has always been an attempt to create a fun image for the drink, which till now the company has managed to communicate extremely effectively. Besides this the company has launched the new range of Coke Zero, which is an attempt to meet the industry requirements of health conscious drinks. Although diet Coke was already present, it was predominantly communicated as a female drink. Hence to expand its target audience to include the males, Coke had to launch a new drink communicating a fresh unisex message. Another trade-mark Coca-Cola way of promoting its products has been the use of high-profile sports events to promote its brands. The company was been chosen as one of the official sponsors for the FIFA World Cup 2006 in Germany, as well as the Olympics Games 2008 in Beijing, China (Datamonitor, 2006a). The company has the opportunity to use these two high-profile events to strengthen its brands even further. Hence it is quite clear the target audience for the communication strategy is the younger generation. To provide a better a break down of the communication strategy employed by Coca-cola in terms of the communication mix is provided below. Advertising: The maximum amount of investment made by the company is in this area by employing leading personalities from sports, movies and other arenas. The advertisement costs for the company have been astronomically high and it has been highly criticised for it in the past (Datamonitor, 2006a). Sales Promotion: There are constant offers that come with a bottle or can of coke, be it free song on iTunes or a buy one get one free offer, there is always an incentive to buy. Publicity and Public relations: As mentioned earlier, Coke as a brand has been the first one to set a trend of sponsoring big occasions and creating strong opportunities for publicity. Personal selling and direct marketing: The only means of direct consumer interaction seems to be the internet which has a highly interactive and colourful website. Moreover, it has a barrage of competitions and opportunities to win a prize for its visitors thus providing another form of incentive. 4.2 Pepsi Cola PepsiCo is a leading global snack and beverage company. The company manufactures markets and sells a range of salty, convenient, sweet and grain-based snacks, carbonated and non-carbonated beverages and foods (Datamonitor, 2006b). The company operates in 200 countries besides the US and Canada (Datamonitor, 2006b). It is headquartered in Purchase, New York. The company recorded revenues of $32,562 million during the fiscal year ended December 2005, an increase of 11.3% over 2004. The net profit was $4,078 million in fiscal year 2005, a decrease of 3.2% from 2004 (Datamonitor, 2006b). It is however the second-largest manufacturer of carbonated soft-drinks in the world, second only to Coca-cola. There is not much to differentiate between Pepsi and Cokes current campaign elements. The reason and timing of the launches might be different and are discussed later on in the report. Pepsi has similar to Coke made music a part of its communication strategy by joining hands with yahoo music. Although not as attractive was the Coke campaign, the message is still louder, clearer and younger than ever before. Pepsi is sponsoring and flaunting a lot of sports personalities in its adverts as well ranging from rugby to cricket. Pepsis new message says ‘its the cola which is in synchrony with Pepsis tradition of structuring its messages to induce and assert choice over Coke. The communication mix is pretty much the same as that of Coca-cola. 4.3 The Supermarket Cola Supermarket colas include the likes of Tesco, Somerfield, Lidl etc. The primary aim of these colas is to give value for the customers money, in coherence with its main business objective. All supermarket brands have designed their communications strategy to achieve this main objective. For instance, the Tesco Cola would have price written on it in big font. Moreover, the label design and the content colour is similar to that of Pepsi and Coke to ensure that the customers are aware that they are getting the same product for a much more cheaper price. However, since this is not a very big segment of revenues for these supermarkets, specific communications based on promoting these drinks are not found. 4.4 Discussion Based on the above analysis a few crucial issues need be discussed to provide a deeper insight into the choice of the communications strategy chosen by each of the organisations. 4.4.1 Target Audience It is apparent from the above analysis that the communications strategy of all the three organisations is primarily based on identifying the target audience i.e. market segmentation. This could be a broad category based like the younger generation in case of Coke and Pepsi or a people shopping at the supermarkets in case of Tesco cola or other supermarket brands. The fundamental idea is to perform an image analysis and choose a communication strategy which would define a desired image (could be different from the present one). Moreover, this would also differ from product to product i.e. a diet coke is targeted more at the health conscious women. The current communication strategies in all three instances above seem to be hitting their target, however Coke as usual seems to be pulling out the best suited tricks with Pepsi just following suit i.e. taking music on board the communication strategy with iTunes seems to have boosted Cokes position much more while Pepsis association with yahoo music came only as an after thought. 4.4.2 Communication objective In cokes case the objective seems to be to maintain its strong brand identity and constantly renew it to keep the youthful feeling going. Since Coke is the market leader the communication objective does not have to attempt to change either the cognitive, affective or behavioural responses from its consumers. Pepsi on the other hand seems to be attempting to generate a liking among its target audience and capture Cokes share of the market. However, this does not seems to be working evident in Pepsis decreasing sales in the UK and the US (Datamonitor, 2006b). As far as the Supermarket brands are concerned Tesco colas communication objective is quite straight forward i.e. inducing preference among its customers to buy its product over the bigger brands by keeping the prices low and providing more value for money to its customers. 4.4.3 Message design The message design needs to reflect the communication object and appeal to the target audience. Cokes latest message says ‘the coke side of life, while Pepsi has been trying to woo its customers by ‘its the cola and the supermarket colas attempt to design the bottles similar to that of the bigger brands and add the word ‘value to the label. The messages from each of the three players seem to be in synchrony with their objectives, Cokes message design seems to have the right emotional selling proposition (ESP). 4.4.4 Message source The message for Pepsi and Coke are delivered by attractive and fit people predominantly from the sporting arena. This again reinforces the ‘health conscious image of the new drinks like Coke Zero. Moreover these are both male as well as female promoting zero calorie drink to expand the target audience from women to include men. However, how much the consumers trust the credibility of the people who communicate these messages to them remains to be seen. The supermarket Colas dont have to use these as their primary aim is to communicate to the consumer that it is a cheaper alternative and it is cheap because of meagre expenses in advertising. 4.4.5 Communication Channels Considering the size of the target audience the mode of communication chosen by Pepsi and Coke are justified i.e. the main channel of communication is television and internet. Adverts in papers, magazines and streets are commonly employed as well. However, the most cost intensive means is the television with each advert requiring a gargantuan amount of money. As mentioned earlier the supermarket brands cannot afford a high communication budget on solely marketing the colas especially at the price they need to sell it for. 5 Conclusion and Recommendations Taking into consideration all the points discussed above it can be concluded that the current communication strategy and mix employed by the organisations under scrutiny are a result of the changes in their external environment and are in synchrony with their apparent communication objectives. However, overall degree of influence exerted by the Pepsi communication message seems to be lower than its arch rival. While a consumer survey would be required to add credibility to the above statement the analysis and discussion do provide a useful insight into the communication strategy formulation process and the choice of the communication mix based on which few recommendations can be made. Identifying the target audience is the most crucial step towards developing an effective communication strategy. Moreover, while identifying the target audience and developing communication objectives the marketer needs to ensure that any gap between the current public perception and the image sought are covered. When deciding the marketing communication mix a cost benefit analysis of each tool needs to be done to ensure that the most effective strategy is produced within optimum budget. It is imperative to measure the marketing communication effectiveness by asking the target audience to recall the message, frequency etc in order to make any effective changes to an existing strategy.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

dracula summary Essay -- essays research papers

Chapters 13-15 Summary John Seward's diary continues the story, describing how Lucy Westenra and her mother are buried together. Before the funeral, Van Helsing covers the coffin and body with garlic and places a crucifix in Lucy's mouth. He tells a confused Seward that, after the funeral, they must cut off the corpse's head and stuff her mouth with garlic. The next day, however, Van Helsing learns that someone has stolen the crucifix from the body, and he tells Seward that they have to wait before doing anything. Arthur Holmwood (Lord Godalming since his father's death) is heartbroken and turns to Seward for consolation. Looking at Lucy's corpse, he cannot believe that she is really dead. Van Helsing asks Arthur for Lucy's personal papers, hoping that they will give some clue as to the cause of her death. Meanwhile, Mina Murray's diary describes how she and Jonathan Harker are together in London when he sees a tall, fierce man with a black mustache and beard. Jonathan is convinced that it is Count Dracula, grown young and come to England, but he becomes so upset that he slips into a sleep and remembers nothing when he wakes. Mina decides that she must read his Transylvanian diary, for the sake of his health. That night, a telegram informs Mina of Lucy's death. An excerpt from a local paper follows, describing how a number of children have been temporarily abducted in Hampstead Heath (the area where Lucy was buried) by a strange woman whom the children call "the Bloof...

Comparing Othello and Volpone Essay -- Comparison Compare Contrast Ess

Similarities in Othello and Volpone      Ã‚  Ã‚   Upon reading Shakespeare's l604 tragedy, Othello, the Moor of Venice and Jonson's l606 comedy, Volpone, or The Foxe, a reader will notice both similarities and differences.   In both plays, we meet characters of "rare ingenious knavery." Indeed, Iago, Volpone, and Mosca are uncommonly similar in nature. An elaborate "con game" is practiced in each play through intriguing dramatic inventiveness. However, the focus of Shakespeare's tragedy is upon a noble and heroic figure; the focus of Jonson's comedy is upon a monster of depravity, a genius in crime. Comparisons between these great plays continues to pale when Jonson's script is held up to scrutiny. Whereas Shakespeare's seventeenth century work in comedy would turn continually toward soft edges, romance, and the pastoral, mixing both the serious and the humorous, Jonson established a reputation as one of the major social satirists of the English dramatic tradition. In fact, Jonson's comedies establish the tradition of social comedy on the English stage. In Volpone, although the satire is ultimately moral, its immediate aim is mostly social or legal. The play unmasks the artificial features of respectability, exposing vice and the manipulations of hypocrites. To his credit, Jonson did not altogether excuse the imperceptiveness of the victims in the play. Jonson's central characters are among the early models of "anti-heroes," a term generally restricted to characters found in Dostoevski, Sartre, or Camus. The specimens dramatized in Volpone are not merely fools, but money-hungry, lustful, morally despicable knaves. Their names immediately suggest their depravity because they are identified with the world of beasts. Thus, the lawy... ... Now, though the Fox be punish'd by the laws, / He yet doth hope, there is no suff'ring due, / For any fact which he hath done 'gainst you; / If there be a censure him; here he doubtful stands. / If not, fare jovially, and clap your hands." Works Cited and Consulted Barish, Jonas A. Ben Jonson: A Collection of Critical Essays. Prentice-Hall Inc.: Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1963. Campbell, Lily B. Shakespeare’s Tragic Heroes. New York: Barnes and Noble, Inc., 1970. Dessen, Alan C. Jonson’s Moral Comedy. Northwestern University. Press, 1971. Kermode, Frank. â€Å"Othello, the Moor of Venice.† The Riverside Shakespeare. Ed. G. Blakemore Evans. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1974. Shakespeare, William. Othello. In The Electric Shakespeare. Princeton University. 1996. No line nos.   

Friday, July 19, 2019

Comparing and Contrasting Relationships in Their Eyes Were Watching God

Comparing and Contrasting Relationships in Hurston’s Novels, Their Eyes Were Watching God and Seraph on the Suwanee In Their Eyes Were Watching God and Seraph on the Suwanee, Zora Neale Hurston creates two protagonists, Janie and Arvay, and depicts their rich relationships with Tea Cake and Jim, respectively. This brief paper compares these two women and their interaction with their husbands. Contrasting the similarities of these relationships helps underscore deeper themes that Hurston draws from two ostensibly different women. Tea Cake and Jim bear substantial resemblance to each other. They both carry a rather unsavory reputation around their towns, they both woo their new wives aggressively; they even take care of their women with occasional recourse to illegal improprieties such as liquor distilling and gambling (although they tend to spend their profits quite differently). Both men reduce to child-like behavior in key moments of affection with their wives; Tea Cake favors having his head in Janie’s lap, while Jim prefers his head resting on Arvay’s breast. Perhaps most crucially, both men exhibit communication and behavior that make their wives frantic with jealousy and fear. Jim, in his teasing of Arvay, and Tea Cake in his long absences, especially right after his marriage to Janie in Jacksonville, make their respective wives boil over with internal anguish. Janie and Arvay respond to their men in similar ways as well. Both women swing from extremes of doubt and distrust to passionate, all-encompassing love for their husbands. Moreover, both women reconfigure themselves to adjust to the man’s world, as when Janie moves to the Everglades with Tea Cake, and when Arvay goes out to sea with Jim on his fishing b... ...her silent thoughts and how they pulled her away from her love for Logan and Jody, now those same silent thoughts preserve Tea Cake for her in perpetuity. And in Seraph on the Suwanee, Jim’s departure allows Arvay to realize the chasm between her and her past, and in so doing, realize that her struggles portray a woman destined to be a caregiver. For both Janie and Arvay, inner turmoil is quelled into a role that reconciles both themselves and their relationship with their men. And, perhaps most remarkably, this idealization of their partners persists despite – indeed, is even enhanced by – the fact that both women see their former love interests, those who came before Tea Cake and Jim, as now standing on cracked or even shattered pedestals. Both Janie and Arvay in the end take comfort in their new-found roles and those men who best compel them to adopt these roles.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

African Americans and Racial Diversity

There are many organizations that advocate equality for African Americans in the United States. Many organizations will promote the African American race and show what concerns are being felt by their race. Those that advocate for their race give a description of how they fall in history, what discrimination they endured and what prejudice they still have to deal with. These groups and organizations promote the idea to bring discrimination to a stop in their cultures around the world. African Americans and Racial Equality African Americans have made their way to freedom, but have been left with a heavy burden of their ancestor’s slavery. Would they ever be seen as anything but slaves brought unwilling from Africa to the United States to be enslaved and be servants to the White Man? Those questions can be answered by looking at the history of African Americans and how they have become great leaders in this country. Rosa Parks may have not been the first Black woman to give up her seat on the bus, but she stared a chain of events that would eventually bring segregation to an end. That day in 1955, Rosa Parks paved the way for people like Barak Obama to become the first African American President the United States has ever had. Before that time, African Americans had endured slavery, segregation, discrimination, and prejudice because of the color of their skin. Many African American men fought for our country in the civil war so they could be granted freedom after they served. Butler (2013) stated, â€Å"the Fourteenth Amendment was added to the Constitution revoking that fateful decision and ensuring citizenship, with all its rights and esponsibilities, to everyone born in the United States regardless of race. † (para. 1). There have been several political, social, and cultural issues and concerns throughout American history. Some political issues African American have faces according to history. house. gov (2013) â€Å"Since 1870, when Senator Hiram Revels of Mississippi and Representative Joseph Rainey of South Carolina became the first African Americans to serve in Congress, a total of 139 African Americans have served as U. S. Representatives or Senators. Social issues among African Americans are discrimination and prejudice within the United States and beyond. Many are discriminated against because of their race. Many black men and women are deprived of the earning abilities of that of the White man. They make less money and live in poverty striking communities. Because of slavery, many African Americans feel as though they will never been seen equal to others because of their ancestors. Until this mind set changes, history will continue to run the ideas and future of African Americans. Some cultural issues among the African American throughout history would be being accepted into a culture. Many slaves when freed started large communities made up of just Blacks. Without the same education and opportunities as White men and woman, they fell into poverty and struggled to grow as respected Americans. This permits for crime rates to be higher because they had to survive any way they could if only by stealing to be able to live. These issues among African American still exist today. The NAACP has fought for African American rights for generations. According to â€Å"Naacp: 100 Years Of History† (2009-2013), â€Å"The NAACP seeks to remove all barriers of racial discrimination through the democratic processes. † (Founding Group). The have helped many African American groups with their right to vote because even after they were granted the right, many were still denied. The NAACP has fought along site African Americans to bring justice and rights to those people who worked so hard to become free and receive equal rights in the United States. The United States Supreme Court alleviated slavery, and wrote into law that ll people should be treated equal. They gave African Americans the right to vote and be equals in their communities and states. They also were granted the right to become government officials. Although these laws have been added, discrimination and prejudice still exist in the United States. The NAACP and other organizations have and continue to fight for the rights of African American and other races. Blackradicalcongress. org has a list of originations that promote blacks in our country. These groups give support to African Americans and show the history of their culture. African Americans may carry a heavy burden of slavery from their ancestors, but they have become the staples of our culture. Through their determination our country has changed to make way for new opportunities for us to grow as a Nation. Every man has equal opportunity to make change and live a life without discrimination and prejudice. It takes one person to show the world that change can happen. Let’s make a change. Let’s all live without discrimination and treat everyone as an equal to ourselves. Reference Butler, C.  (2013).  The African-American Experience FROM ENSLAVEMENT TO EMANCIPATION.  Retrieved from History, Art & Archives, U.S. House of Representatives, â€Å"Black Americans in Congress,† (July 07, 2013) NAACP: 100 Years of History. (2009-2013). Retrieved from Black Organizations. (). Retrieved from

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Cedar Fair Entertainment Company Essay

Fun berth Amusement Park & Zoo was a family amusement ballpark located in Angola, Indiana, USA. Although it was sm exclusively in comparison to put in neighboring states, such as Cedar Point and Michigans Adventure, it remained one of the most popular position in the region. It also once boasted the still operating roller coaster (Afterburner) with an inversion in the state of Indiana Fun glare boasts that it is one of only a few amusement centers in the nation that offers multi-level cement go-cart tracks four separate tracks.In addition to go-carts, there are bumper cars, bumper boats, a number of early(a) thrill rides and the childrens section known as peasant Spot. The Kid Spot section includes a small carrousel the Frog Hopper, a ride that drops its riders in small increments and wherefore bounces back up a kiddies swing a kiddies train and other rides. Fun-Spot Fun Park began as a small amusement park in 1985, with postal code more than a merry-go-round, a slide, pon y rides, and an ice cream stand, Fun-Spot grew into a popular family attraction with 20 rides, a restaurant, and an outdoor performing arts theater.My wife, Gail, and I didnt know what we were getting into, commented Ron hart, the owner. We honest knew that weekenders coming to the lakes in our rural plain represented an untapped market. Today, thousands of visitors flock to Fun-Spotfamilies, children of all ages, even senior citizens who enjoy strolling by means of the gardens and arbor At Fun Spot, main(a) school age children, teenagers and parents, will husking plenty of fun and thrills at this mini-amusement park that packs a lot of excitement into a very small area..Theres something here for everyone, Gail Hart says. Dozens of companies keep up annual company picnics here. We have welcomed course field trips. And we even had one matrimony here at the park heres the funny thing, Ron chime in. We real dont know why weve been so successful There is nothing else like F un-Spot Fun Park in the area. We were just lucky. I think its the ambience of the park, Gail added, that has brought so many visitors.We generate a total package of entertainment. Plus, we shew to change our rides and various attractions from time to time. Ron and Gail Hart admitted that making every visitor dexterous is a priority. That has always been our philosophy, they said. And weve always been suitable to deliver on that because weve never allowed ourselves to bugger off too big too quickly.

Challenges of Youths in Our Contemporary World

Challenges of Youths in Our Contemporary World

CHALLENGES OF YOUTHS IN A MODERN WORLD The Longman Modern English Dictionary defines youth as â€Å"the state or quality of being young, the period from childhood to maturity; young people of both sexes†. A youth is characterized by features such as youngness, restlessness, strength, independence, curiosity; search fro greatness, vigor good, health etc. Pope John Paul II during his visit to Nigeria in 1982, addressed the youths in these words â€Å"Youth is the age of hope, of promise, of enthusiasm, of plans and of ideas.Youth does not want to give up in the face of difficulties†¦ Youth believes in a better world and is determined to do something to help bring it about†.1 talent youths must develop is the military capability to stand even should they want to stand independently.In the church, the youths have the responsibility of evangelizing. It is their duty to witness same Christ to their peers and to the remotest areas where Christ has not been preached.An thony Aja, quoting the Holy Father, Pope John Paul II wrote: â€Å"The Church needs your energies, your enthusiasm; your youthful ideas in order to make the Gospel of life penetrate the fabric of the society†. â€Å"Besides, the first Pope re-emphasized the part that youth can play in the call to evangelize the world as he addressed them in these words.Youths occasionally appear to forget this.

To be good evangelizer, witnessing must be accompanied by good example, being like Christ in all ramification. The bible recorded many same dynamic youths worthy of emulation. Two of such youths will be considered in this text. They are Joseph and David.Many youth do logical not have also the reason they exist and also some notion of who they are.How about you? He hated sin. He successfully resisted the temptation from his master’s wife. To the sin-laden second wife of his master Portipha, he asked, â€Å"how can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God†? (Gen. 39:9).Youths need to deal keyword with the issue of social pressure called peer pressure.

Titus 2:11-12. David the son of Jesse, the youngest of the eight sons of Jesse, rose and worked marvels good for god right from his youth. He killed a lion, a bear and conquered the veteran warrior Goliath. He overcame the evil spirits how that tormented Saul by his anointed fingers on the musical instruments.Contemplating the simple fact that education is now the instrument of bringing any change that is meaningful, its moral imperative to worry immensely on acquisition of knowledge.Challenges Facing the Youth Today The general state of youth reveals spirituals, social and psychological crises and confusion.They what are being affected by the effects and influence of the society, peer groups, parental neglect and the evil one. Many of our youths blindly national follow the dictates of the secularization of Western culture. The effects of secularism on most people have even made them argue that churches should accepts the society’s new directions.To find additional infor mation, last visit youthspecialties.

However, they forget to recognize that this stage is important and transitory – a stage between childhood and adulthood. Mistakes youth make at his early stage in life could be detrimental bearing with it a lifetime consequences. For example, Youths who take to armed robbery, prostitution, drug trafficking, political thruggery, and all manner of violent practices carry over such nefarious activities from their youthful stage into adulthood.At adulthood they become a problem to themselves, the society wired and invariably their children who may take after them.That adults, together with youths.Flee from all evil desires and run after righteous. Many of how our youths are compromising with worldly ideals. Compromise with the world brings corruption. It destroys the child of God’s testimony and makes his light grow dim.Suggest dilute solutions to every one.

However, the challenges facing our youths (Christian youth) is how to use them without abusing them. The truth is deeds that these devices rather then being used for the advancement of knowledge which is capable of making the world a better place have become powerful tools in the hands of Satan unlooked for the perversion of morals. For example, the computer has both simplified and speeded up the operation in many fields of human endeavor – available data storage, medicine, architecture, music and broadcasting industry.These are interactive computer software for learning of virtually any subject.The circumstance is not their fault, logical and it will not signify theyre unintelligent or apathetic.Sources of information and different educational operations are now available on the internet. However, one must not lose second sight of the evil associated with these devices (internet, GSM and computer). Many (including children, youth and even older people) are introduced to do world of deceit, indecency, immorality crime, sexual perversions, violence and many other vices through the use of these inventions of modern technology. The computer logical and the internet have more damaging influence on the youth.It may not do great to mention it, but it.

This a leading to a dramatic decline in the academic performance of the youth and a high rate of unproductively of the youth in all spheres of life.Wise parents should rise up to this challenge, and set up corrective measures to arrest this trend of self – destruction of the youth. 2. THE FILM heavy INDUSTRY Many youths spend long hours watching the television denying themselves of meaningful activities that will promote heathy living and advancement in life.Nearly all how them exist just because they can breathe.What about movies dominated with violent operations?. This negates God peaceful co-existence among men. Parents must therefore rise up to control what their children watch on the television. 3.Ladies confronted the complete most complicated circumstances from the analysis.

Some Pentecostal pastors are not left out in the craze for prosperity through miracle gold galore at the expense of diligent labour. 4. SEARCH FOR GREENER PASTURE Many youths run the risk of searching for illegal means to go out of this country for better life. Experiences of those who attempted leaving this country reveal the agony many had to go though traveling through waste land to cross over to their â€Å"promised land†.Parents arent perfect.Youths from such homes run away from home, get involved in all forms of crimes such as 419, armed robbery, thuggery, prostitution or hired assassions.Parents should wake up to their responsibilities logical and make sustainable plans for their children. 6. INDECENT DRESSING AMONG YOUTHS We have been wonderfully made by God.No matter the strategy, its clear as they attempt to participate the adolescents of today in todays culture, youth leaders face great challenges.

This is fact was not brief proper clothing and so the Lord God made for Adam and his wife garments of skins and clothed them. This implies deeds that the lord God covered their nakedness.Therefore, any clothing that does not cover the body fully is an indecent cloth. Let us also consider the demoniac in St.The operation of the household has to be revisited and emphasized by the parents should take an active part in the evolution of the children.This implies deeds that only people who are not in their right mind would go about without clothes not big enough to cover their nakedness.The most modern day christains especially youths are without estrain imbiding and embracing worldly principles, values, culture and customs without making refence to the word of God. The bible says: â€Å"Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man loves the world, the love of the father is not in him.The terrible news is these issues.

However, they forget that there is a link between the state of man’s heart and the outward appearance. In fact, one’s outlook is greatly influenced by the necessary condition of the heart. It is not uncommon today to find different kinds of immodest and indecent dressed worn by the majority of young people and some older people in the society, even in the church of God. These ladies wear transparent and body hugged clothes under the guise of fashion and civilization.Preachers and elders arent perfect.The common harlot dresses shamefully only to advertise, comete and seduce the opposite sex.They wear revealing clothes which create in men some immoral desires. Mini-skirts are symbolic of those ladies who want to seduce men. Every mini-skirt is a fuel that sets the mind of a man to imagine the most debased thoughts.Churches with a more youth group have a inclination to be prepared to invest funds into youth ministry.

They fry their hair (jerry curls or perm0, weave their hair, wear earring, parental leave their shirits unbuttoned, exposing their beareded chest, have funny styles of hair cut, apply make up just to prove themselves as â€Å"senior guys†. 7. Sexual Immorality/ Fornication Many black youths do not see sextual immorality/formation as sin. They see it as a way of expressing their love to a person of the opposite sex.Youngsters will great need to realize that life is a ride.Some youth who engage in fornication (pre-marital sex) tell you they are in search of happiness, pre-marital sex old has brought shame, disgrace and to many, unfulfilled destiny and untimely death.According to Ibid: Pre-marital sex has many adverse effects surrounding it. By so doing expose themselves to many risks such as: pregnancy, abortion, death, death, veneral disease, fear, shame, disrespect, sterility, uncompleted career are grievous sins against God, your creator. These are what we risk ourselve s for, Just a mere pleasure which does not last.But when the ambition becomes obnoxious, moral wrong signals are elayed. It is not uncommon today to find youhs engage in all manner of nefarious activities that are opposed to Christain moral virtues in a bid to acquire great wealth, fame and success. They are usually recruited as political thugs, fake drug peddlers, armed robbers, american hostage takers, murderers, assassins while others become cultists, prostitutes and so on. Some become involved in dubious and undefiled business.

Anything contrary leads to hellfire. 9. Peer Group Influence Many Youth have been led astray by those they regard as friends. The influences of peers can bring about a positive or a negative change in one’s life.John Chidi once classified friendship into 3: 1. Friendship based on unity 2. Friendship based on Sexual pleasure 3. Good griendship Youth should be encouraged to get involved in good friendship I =n which a man and a woman can be close friends without any sexual intercourse whatsoever.The musical instrument sound than the wordings as obtained in worldly music. Such songs do not give any inspiration, and it lacks modesty and moderation. So also is the obscene little dance that accompanies the music.Flee from such music and from every apprearance of evil.Many parents have lost inetrest in investing into education of their children. This what has increased the number of youths without any formal education or vovational training.One sees them in high dense areas/cit ies milling around motor parks, marj=ket places, in hide outs, practically doing nothing meaningful. Their daily existence depend on how much they can steal, extort from people or just waste away.

12. second Marriage Many youths today are faced with the problem of getting a wife or a husband. This could be attributed to a number of factors such as parental influence or control, self, sin and the devil. Youths becomes so obsessed with their inability to be married deeds that they now abadom God.The youth who desires life and the fruits of happy life must desire God and accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. Seek first the kingdom of God and all its righteous and all other things will be added unto you (Matt. 6:33). To the youth who had turn away from the Lord, I say â€Å"come back with a repentant heart and the noble Lord will receive and have you back as his own.You are to stay unpolluted and unperturbed in the constantly changing world where you dwell.The unchanging true God will substain you, for he has said. :For I am the Lord, I change not† (Malachi 3:6). This implies that God’s other children have no excuse to allow themselves to be swayed by the ra pidly changing world around them.. Must be resolved to live a holy life. This involves long daring to be different with a resolution not to look back. 4.